Sunday, 5 July 2009


Yesterday night on Saturday, I had dinner with a kangaroo, a swan and a human companion. No, I literally meant it. A Joey, Swen and human companion, Woon Soon. It seems like I've met him before on several occasions but I don't recall seeing him before.... I'm so sorry @___@

I crashed into Joey's house by 6 o' clock. Not to worry, no windows or doors were broken as I did not actually crash into it. I waited for Swen to open the door!

AND THEN! (After me invading her com for quite some time...), we left for the restaurant. Restoran Talipon if you may. It's a nice place. Save for the cats roaming the area. I'm not releasing much details lolz. But one fact is that Joey and I had chatted a lot. Thanks, Jo XD Seriously, thanks for spending time with me even when I was super-emo... Thank you...

Signing out now. Gotta sleep for school tomorrow.

Actually, I would love to skip school on Monday given the LONG ASS hours we need to sit just for the Librarian Election. Now, if you've read The Historian by Elizabeth Kostova, you WILL think twice before becoming a librarian or a historian or even a lecturer.

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