Friday 28 January 2011

Naze nan daro naaaa

I am definitely not a gamer. I gain too much adrenaline to actually control or think properly. My heart races and I feel totally enraged if a character I really hate does kick my ass. Yes, this isn't good sportsmanship but seriously, I'd rather stop playing than fling my laptop or keyboard or even controller at the nearest wall. Let's just say I'd rather stop playing for a moment rather than destroy the entire console OTL im so sorry Ragna ;_;


  1. I has a feeling that this refers to Hazama/Terumi/TELL ME O_O

  2. Yeah it is Hazama/Terumi/TELL ME LOL! Can't win him with Taokaka but I could use Bang (bliddy noisy). But this basically means I suck so much, I can't win on Easy mode OTL but the score loves to mention that I'm on Normal -_-
