Wednesday 31 March 2010

Kyousuke hen

Before I start, prior to my blog's warning, this is a not for those who hate boys love. I advise you to bug off if you don't like it.

Listened to BeniTen's Drama CD, Kuki Kyousuke's part.

It's hilarious in the beginning. I want to roll on the floor. And laugh! And laugh! And... ....
Stop looking at this post weirdly.

congratulations myself it seems that i've behaved like a bitch

Monday 29 March 2010


I figured out that I picked Kyousuke's route purely because I liked his character design and his smooth voice.
I figured out that I was conflicted between Kyousuke and Raiou's route because of an idiotic reason. It was a rather simple reason which I don't really want to admit.
Determining which character to go after first by viewing the CG pack and counting how many ero scenes there are in each route makes me sound like an awful perv. *gets smacked*
Lol, random post.

TnC TAF Trailer!!!

Let's rock!

Sunday 28 March 2010

NEET status!

These few days has been rather tiring for me, I seriously wonder why. And to make things worse, I find it rather difficult to sleep. Hm, not good, not good at all.

Wednesday 24 March 2010

Bitchin' bout Taiyo

I finally finished Taiyo's route. Yes, that obnoxious yet adorable golden retriever. Oh it's simple as to why I call him obnoxious. He's SUPER LOUD. And rather dumb. I've never heard of anyone insulting another person with the word "Hamburger!". He constantly uses the wrong syllables which of course in Japanese, it either changes the meaning of the word he intended to use OR invents a completely new word. For example, "mikata" gets changed to "mitaka" by this idiot. "Mikata" means comrade. "Mitaka"? To hell if I know.

Tuesday 23 March 2010

NicoNico より

The Mobile version of True Blood's OP. Seriously, this was nicer than the PC's site. I'm late but fuck cares. I don't lurk on NicoNico on a daily basis >_>

Sunday 21 March 2010


I don't care what other people say about Neo Angelique Abyss. It's awesome >(

There's Ono Daisuke, Hirakawa Daisuke, Morikawa Toshiyuki, Ohkawa Tohru and a whole harem. Toriumi Kousuke also made an appearance in one episode!

Thursday 18 March 2010

Karin / Chibi Vampire

Karin or Chibi Vampire by Kagesaki Yuna is an awesome series. It explores all of the characters even if they were 200 years from the past. But that's just the manga. The anime definitely did not do much justice to the manga. But Winner-kun's adorable with his silly accent.

Wednesday 17 March 2010

Desu T__T

It seems that my level of interest has increased dangerously over the past few months. Guess this is what four months of sitting at home enjoying life as a NEET does to me. I couldn't possibly call myself a hikikomori since I do enjoy basking in the sunlight/moonlight/mall lights. Shopping's fun after all. It's difficult enough to restrain myself from drawing BL. It's a pain in the ass to hide it. People do enjoy flipping through papers on my desk. A lot. All I can draw is het, het, het and lolis. Wait. I am ALSO forced to hide the loli drawings too OTL

Monday 15 March 2010

White Day!

5 days of no post. It all seems so... So quiet.

Yesterday was White Day, the opposite of Valentine's Day. This time, guys give the girls chocolates instead. N+C didn't come up with any mindfucks recently (lol sweet pool) so for both Valentines and White Day... They had all the delicious characters gather together (Togainu no Chi + Lamento + sweet pool) in two wallpapers. It's beautiful, really. White Day's wallpaper should still be up on their site...

Wednesday 10 March 2010


SPM results are coming out tomorrow on the 11th of March 2010. As to whether I post about the entire process of receiving my results will depend on the outcome. I'm not expecting to do well at all because I lived more like a hikikomori rather than a student for the past few years.
I will fail expectations, that's for sure. I will not pass with flying colours, only two instead, which would be red and blue. Red for the fangs, blue for the gloom.
Will be going college/course hunting during EduFair this weekend. I hope to not meet anyone I know there. Really. If you see me, please run away. Wait, I doubt I've posted my actual photo here before so lol, unless I've personally given my blog link to you, you won't really know who I am either =\

Saturday 6 March 2010


I did not post about episode 7 despite it being 1000% delicious Heiwajima Shizuo goodness. Geez, I admit it that I'll still hit on him even if he's still a high school or even middle school. Nothing much can compare to the Stupid Sexy Shizuo delight. He's not exactly stupid, I just wanted the triple S combo. And he's just a straight person who doesn't like those who enjoy bending the truth.

Friday 5 March 2010

shifting the mood

6 days more to Dooms Day. Toss the garland of freedom away, it's whithered by now. Nothing lasts forever.

Assuming I get kicked into college by my parents right after my results are out, I'll assure you that this blog will be as dead as the other blogs. Yes, I take blogs of other students that were from the same school as I to be dead. Updating your blog once every two weeks does not make your blog alive.

Safe to say:

Wednesday 3 March 2010

Evening Sakura's Quartet

Lol I finally finished Yozakura Quartet.

And I hope I'm not the only one who went "KICHIKU MEGANE! O_O" at the moment Enjin/Gin's glasses broke when Akina was "Tuning" him. Really. The glasses broke and Gin's temporarily back for a short period.

Monday 1 March 2010

Spontaneous post?

I think I'll turn into an old lady in a few years time if I don't do something about my lifestyle.
As if I'm gonna do anything bout it, lol.

Finally finished Valkyria Chronicles after months of holding it off. Faldio died, and no one cared. Well, at least he's reunited with his entire team...
Cheers to ZakaRosie and WelkinAlicia.